
Fallece Fred Cole

Te echaremos tanto de menos, Fred Cole. Eras la pureza del rock y tenías la humildad de aquellos verdaderamente grandes. Todos aquellos que fuimos hechizados por la música que creaste con Dead Moon, The Lollipop Shoppe y Pierced Arrows nunca te olvidaremos y siempre te estaremos agradecidos.

Nuestro más sincero pésame a su mujer Toody Cole; os dejamos con el comunicado que ha publicado en Facebook…

«I’m so sorry to have to let you know that Fred lost his battle with cancer & passed away peacefully in his sleep last night, Nov 9, 2017. Thanks you one & all for all the years & memories we all shared together, for being friends first & business partners second, so proud to be a part of your lives.

Fred had that quality of being “immortal” and I believe his songs & recordings will make it so. We can always hear his voice & his passion there and remember it like it was only yesterday & will go on forever. I love you all, Toody

“The last train is leaving
Can’t you read the signals in my eyes
And I’m standing on the platform
Waiting for the ones I’ve left behind”
Fred Cole
Last Train

Roger Estrada

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